Friday, June 1, 2012

Andrew Jackson Gannon and Louise Jensen

          Louise Jensen is the eighth child of John Henry Jensen and Ane Christine Jensen.

Louise married Andrew Jackson Gannon 26 October 1915.

My first memory of (Jack) Andrew Jackson Gannon was going to Preston Idaho with him and Aunt Louise in a buggy pulled by one horse. They loaded their furniture on a truck and hauled the furniture back to grandmother's home to live. I drove the horse and buggy back to the farm as they came back with the furniture and the truck.

Uncle Jack was a clean looking man. He always looked well-dressed. When he went to church he would not talk or whisper, but paid very close attention to the speaker.

Uncle Jack went to Wyoming to work for the sugar factory as a sugar boiler. While there he became ill and died. He was shipped back to Weston for burial. I remember that his casket was covered with a large blanket wreath that covered the entire casket. The wreath was donated by the men that worked with Jack in the sugar factory.

Aunt Louise was very grieved because of the sadness and loss of her husband. It was a very trying time for Aunt Louise.  Uncle Jack died leaving her with one son and before the birth of their second son. Louise lived with her grandmother after her husband died.

Andrew Jackson Gannon and Louise Jensen Gannon had the following children:

            Henry Jensen Gannon born 26 December 1916

                        married Eunice Farr 19 March 1938

            John Andrew Gannon born 14 February 1919

                        married Nancy May Lank Ford 4 May 1938, died 4 May 1938

                        married Elizabeth Turner 17 March 1961

Later Aunt Louise went to work for Luther Fife whose wife, Lenora had previously died leaving Luther with five children;

            Venna Veir Fife born 23 May 1908 died 17 June 1908

            Lenora Maurine Fife born 30 may 1909

                        married Joseph Murland Dahle

            Luther Lavere Fife born 9 April 1911

                        married Esther Eliza Bowman

            Dean Everett Fife born 6 April 1913

                        married Carrie Elvena Campbell

            Leo John Fife born 31 January 1915

                        married Eliza Gertrude Lloyd

            Alice Gayle Fife born 25 August 1916

                        married George Leonard Jensen

Luther and Louise were married in the Logan Temple on 16 March 1921.

They had five children.

            Duane J Fife born 27 January 1922 died 30 may 1930

            Lila Laray Fife born 22 January 1923

                        married Floyd Wayne hot Haroldsen

            Dennis O Dell Fife born 8 September 1925

                        married Merlyne Morgan

            Vivian Fife born 14 March 1928

                        married LeRoy Dean Bair

            Betty Louise Fife born 20 January 1934

                        married Ersel West Beus

Luther was a hard-working man that was skilled in building and cement finishing. Luther contracted and built the Fairview Idaho church house and also many buildings in Cache Valley. When he later moved to Nyssa Oregon he engaged in canal and highway construction. He was a leader where ever he lived and was one of the first builders in the Nyssa Oregon area.

Aunt Louise spent much of her time and a great amount of money in genealogy research for John Henry Jensen family. She accomplished a great deal of temple work. In 1965 when her health would not permit further work she turned over all of her work to the family representative of the Jensen family that was appointed at the Jensen reunion held a Lava Hot Springs Idaho.

Luther and Louise were called on a mission to the southern states. While there they practically build alone a small church house as the members of the church were not very cooperative. Louise would mix the mortar and Luther laid the stone

                                                                                                                         Louise Frederica Jensen Fife


Luther Lachoneus Fife

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