Friday, June 1, 2012

Benjamin Franklin Jensen and Marguerite OGrady Jensen

Benjamin Franklin Jensen was the 10th child of John Henry Jensen and Ane Christine Jensen. He was born 30 April 1896. Benjamin Franklin Jensen married Marguerite O’Grady 9 March 1925.

Marguerite O'Grady lived down the road a mile away from grandmothers. She went to school in Weston. She traveled most of the time in a two wheeled cart pulled by one horse

After she graduated from Weston high school, she came to work for grandmother to help put up fruit. Marguerite had a boyfriend that used to come from Weston to court her. He was a very happy young man the night he came to call on Marguerite. Before going in to see Marguerite he showed LaVon and I a beautiful diamond ring that he was going to give Marguerite that night. But one hour later he left a very sad young man for Marguerite told him that she was going to marry Uncle Ben. Sometime after Ben and Marguerite were married, he became ill, in that he would have attacks that he would become helpless and lose all control of himself. He would fall down as if he had been knocked unconscious for a time. After a minute or two he would regain consciousness and go on as if nothing had happened. At times I do not believe that Ben knew that he had an attack as he went right on doing what he had been doing. Because of the nature of Uncle Ben's illness it became necessary that someone had to watch him all of the time. Between the attacks bin could live a normal life. But there was no warning as to when another one was coming. It became very hazardous for Ben mostly that he would fall and injure himself.

It was established that Ben's illness was from being gassed in World War I. It was declared that he was 90.9% disabled by the Veterans Administration. An administration was appointed to administer the pension provided by the government for Ben.

Every effort was made by government and private doctors to find a cure for his illness. But it seemed that he steadily got worse in his attacks and they became harder and more frequent. It was felt by Marguerite that the Veterans Hospital in Wyoming could help Ben if he were taken over for observation and treatment. I doubt that a doctor had ever observed him while having one of the attacks.

Because of his illness he was placed in a ward of the hospital that was under very close supervision. Ben felt that he had been placed in prison. Ben became very bitter toward Marguerite and he sent for the family to come and get him. Relations between him and Marguerite grew steadily worse until a divorce was asked for by Ben and granted by the courts.

Marguerite took her daughter Theo and went to Moscow Idaho to complete her education. She obtained employment while there.

Theo married Reed Merrill and moved to Eagle Idaho. They had four children. After the birth of Theo’s fourth child she died and was buried in Eagle Idaho. After Theo's death Marguerite moved to Eagle to help care for her grandchildren. Marguerite died in July 1973 at Boise Idaho and was buried in Dry Creek Cemetery.

Ben died 22 April 1957 probably drawing an attack while in the bathroom of his home in Nyssa Oregon. He was found dead on the floor. Ben was buried in the veterans section of the cemetery Nyssa Oregon. I believe that much credit should be given to LaVon and Louise who helped care for Ben. LaVon and Louise had a home built for Ben next-door to Louise's home in Nyssa Oregon.

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